147 research outputs found

    Efficient access methods for very large distributed graph databases

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    Subgraph searching is an essential problem in graph databases, but it is also challenging due to the involved subgraph isomorphism NP-Complete sub-problem. Filter-Then-Verify (FTV) methods mitigate performance overheads by using an index to prune out graphs that do not fit the query in a filtering stage, reducing the number of subgraph isomorphism evaluations in a subsequent verification stage. Subgraph searching has to be applied to very large databases (tens of millions of graphs) in real applications such as molecular substructure searching. Previous surveys have identified the FTV solutions GraphGrepSX (GGSX) and CT-Index as the best ones for large databases (thousands of graphs), however they cannot reach reasonable performance on very large ones (tens of millions graphs). This paper proposes a generic approach for the distributed implementation of FTV solutions. Besides, three previous methods that improve the performance of GGSX and CT-Index are adapted to be executed in clusters. The evaluation shows how the achieved solutions provide a great performance improvement (between 70% and 90% of filtering time reduction) in a centralized configuration and how they may be used to achieve efficient subgraph searching over very large databases in cluster configurationsThis work has been co-funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of the Spanish government, and by Mestrelab Research S.L. through the project NEXTCHROM (RTC-2015-3812-2) of the call Retos-Colaboración of the program Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad. The authors wish to thank the financial support provided by Xunta de Galicia under the Project ED431B 2018/28S

    A New Calibration Process for a Homogeneous Cyclorama Illumination in Virtual TV Sets

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    A virtual TV set combines actors and objects with computer-generated virtual environments in real time. Nowadays, this technology is widely used in television broadcasts and cinema productions. A virtual TV set consists of three main elements: the stage, the computer-system and the chroma-keyer. The stage is composed by a monochrome cyclorama (the background) in front of which actors and objects are located (the foreground). The computer-system generates the virtual elements that will form the virtual environment. The chroma-keyer combines the elements in the foreground with the computer-generated environments by erasing the monochrome background and insetting the synthetic elements using the chroma-keying technique. In order to ease the background removal, the cyclorama illumination must be diffuse and homogeneous, avoiding the hue differences that are introduced by shadows, shines and over-lighted areas. The analysis of this illumination is usually performed manually by an expert using a photometer which makes the process slow, tedious and dependent on the experience of the operator. In this paper, a new calibration process to check and improve the homogeneity of a cyclorama’s illumination by non-experts using a custom software which provides both visual information and statistical data, is presented. This calibration process segments a cyclorama image in regions with similar luminance and calculates the centroid of each of them. The statistical study of the variation in the size of the regions and the position of the centroids are the key tools used to determine the homogeneity of the cyclorama lighting.This work has received financial support from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (accreditation 2016–2019, ED431G/08) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S

    Regularización migratoria en Colombia : un acercamiento a las políticas migratorias en Colombia a partir de los flujos migratorios de nacionales venezolanos

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    A través de la presente monografía se presenta un recuento de las posibilidades con las que cuentan los migrantes extranjeros para regularizar su situación migratoria en Colombia y las posibilidades con las que cuentan las poblaciones en situación de vulnerabilidad para acceder a las mismas. Esta investigación se torna valiosa en el caso de los nacionales venezolanos, los cuales han contado desde el año 2017 con distintos mecanismos de facilitación migratoria. Siendo el objeto final de la monografía desembocar en el estudio del Estatuto Temporal de Protección expedido con ocasión de los flujos masivos de migrantes venezolanos, de tal suerte que sea posible hacer una propuesta ecléctica con respecto a la política migratoria colombiana que permita comprender a distintos grupos poblacionales.This monograph presents a brief account of the possibilities available to foreign migrants to regularize their migratory situation in Colombia and the practical possibilities available to vulnerable populations in order to access them. This analysis becomes especially relevant in the case of Venezuelan nationals, who have had since 2017 different migration facilitation mechanisms. The final objective of the monograph is to lead to the study of the Temporary Protection Statute issued on the occasion of the massive flows of Venezuelan migrants, in such a way that it is possible to make an eclectic proposal with regarding the Colombian migration policy that allows understanding different population groups

    Comportamiento de desarrollo productivo rural y agrícola. Una revisión de literatura desde la teoría del comportamiento planificado entre 2008 y 2022

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    The different studies on behavior and decision-making in rural, agro-industrial, territorial, and development projects have gained importance in recent years, mainly due to the need to understand and comprehend those factors of human behavior that affect productive rural development. A systematic review of the literature on planned behavior in rural and agricultural project development  between 2008 and 2022 was carried out. The work was carried out by consulting scientific and academic databases such as ScienceDirect, ISI - Web of Science, Springer, Scielo, Emerald, and Scopus, completing the process with content analysis and systematization of articles in NVivo software. Three significant clusters of studies focused on development behavior, rural behavior, and productive development were identified. It was concluded that behavioral studies and their different analysis methods in the rural and agricultural fields aim to improve standard practices through participatory methodological proposals, which reflect on social behavior and the adoption and implementation of practical agricultural development models.Los diferentes estudios sobre el comportamiento y la toma de decisiones en proyectos rurales, agroindustriales, territoriales y de desarrollo han tomado importancia en los últimos años, principalmente, por la necesidad de entender y comprender aquellos factores de la conducta humana que inciden en el desarrollo productivo rural. Se realizó un repaso sistemático de la literatura sobre el comportamiento planeado en el marco del desarrollo de proyectos rurales y agrícolas entre los años 2008 y 2022. El trabajo se realizó a través de la consulta de bases de datos científicas y académicas como ScienceDirect, ISI – Web of Science, Springer, Scielo, Emerald y Scopus, completando el proceso con análisis de contenido y sistematización de artículos en el software NVivo. Identificando tres grandes conglomerados de estudios enfocados en el comportamiento de desarrollo, comportamiento rural y desarrollo productivo. Concluyéndose que los estudios comportamentales y sus diferentes métodos de análisis, en el ámbito rural y agrícola pretenden mejorar las prácticas comunes por medio de propuestas metodológicas participativas, que lleven a reflexionar sobre el comportamiento social y la adopción e implementación de modelos de desarrollo agrícolas prácticos

    Actualización de las recomendaciones para la determinación de biomarcadores en el carcinoma de pulmón avanzado de célula no pequeña. Consenso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica y de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica

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    En el año 2011 se inició un proyecto conjunto entre la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) y la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica (SEAP) para establecer unas recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia actual con respecto a la determinación de biomarcadores en pacientes con carcinoma de pulmón de célula no pequeña (CPCNP) avanzado. La mayoría de estas recomendaciones siguen siendo válidas; sin embargo, existen nuevas evidencias que hacen necesaria la actualización de algunos aspectos. En concreto, se modifica la recomendación de qué biomarcadores hay que analizar y en qué pacientes, y se define el manejo óptimo de la muestra tumoral así como las características del material mínimo necesario para la determinación de biomarcadores. Además, se revisan las técnicas adecuadas para la determinación de las mutaciones de EGFR y el reordenamiento de ALK, y se consensúa en qué situaciones se debe llevar a cabo una re-biopsi

    Diseño del proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal para la empresa AGROPIÑA S.A.S

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    El presente documento expone una propuesta de proyecto dirigida a la empresa AGROPIÑA S.A.S, buscando principalmente diseñar un proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal para cualquier área de la empresa, teniendo en cuenta que en la actualidad la empresa no cuenta con el personal idóneo para desempeñar los cargos vacantes dado por el diseño actual de la empresa, el cual no se ha adaptado de acuerdo con las necesidades ni tomando participación de las áreas de la empresa. Para esto, el proyecto busca en primera instancia crear una situación diagnóstica de la empresa de acuerdo con el tiempo que esta lleva en funcionamiento, y, además, se busca contrastar la teoría con la estrategia de la realidad empresarial, logrando así generar un estudio mejor organizado de la situación actual en cuanto a los procesos de reclutamiento de personal. Posteriormente, y basados en la información obtenida, se diseñará un mejor sistema de selección teniendo en cuenta al talento humano desde el momento de la postulación y la incorporación hasta la capacitación y posterior inicio de las labores. Aplicamos para el desarrollo del proyecto una metodología de enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, lo que nos permitirá obtener una información más fundamentada, brindando claridad para reconocer los puntos críticos de la empresa y así mismo poder conocer los campos de acción. Se determina luego del análisis de la información que el reclutamiento es un factor fundamental para que la empresa estudiada, y cualquier tipo de organización, tenga permanencia en los mercados para evitar crisis financieras, iliquidez y finalmente la disolución de la empresa. La propuesta tiene un nuevo norte en cuanto a estrategias, enfocándolas en selección y reclutamiento de personal adecuado, mediante una serie de manuales “paso a paso” donde se estipulan de forma más estructurada las pautas para llevar a cabo la selección de colaboradores. Este diseño sería el insumo vital para que el gerente efectúe la contratación de su nuevo personal, garantizando que este sea comprometido y tenga la preparación en competencias acordes al cargo desempeñado.This document presents a project proposal addressed to the company AGROPIÑA S.A.S, mainly seeking to design a recruitment and selection process of personnel for any area of the company, considering that at present, the company does not have the ideal personnel to perform the vacant positions given by the current design of the company, which has not been adapted according to the needs or taking participation of the areas of the company. For this, the project seeks in the first instance to create a diagnostic situation of the company according to the time it has been in operation, and in addition, it seeks to contrast the theory with the strategy of the business reality, thus generating a better-organized study of the current situation in terms of personnel recruitment processes. Subsequently, and based on the information obtained, a better selection system will be designed considering human talent from the moment of application and incorporation to training and subsequent start of work. We apply a descriptive qualitative approach methodology for the development of the project, which will allow us to obtain more informed information, providing clarity to recognize the critical points of the company and be able to know the fields of action. After the information analysis, is determined that recruitment is a fundamental factor for the company studied, and any type of organization, to have permanence in the markets to avoid financial crises, illiquidity, and finally the dissolution of the company. The proposal has a new direction in terms of strategies, focusing on the selection and recruitment of adequate personnel, through a series of “step-by-step” manuals where the guidelines to carry out the selection of collaborators are stipulated in a more structured way. This design would be the vital input for the manager to hire his new staff, guaranteeing that he is committed and has the preparation in skills commensurate with the position held

    Cartilla para la contratación estatal

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    CD-T 352.53 B268;157 p.Marco jurídico de la contratación estatal -- Concepto de contrato estatal -- Elementos de perfeccionamiento del contrato estatal -- Requisitos de ejecución -- Modalidades de precios de los contratos estatales -- Instituciones jurídicas especiales en la contratación pública -- Publicación y clasificación de los contratos estatales -- Régimen legal de inhabilidades e incompatibilidades en la contratación estatal -- Cláusulas exorbitantes -- Cláusulas comunes de derecho privado -- Modalidades de selección del contratista -- Etapas de la licitación públicaUniversidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    COVIDGR Dataset and COVID-SDNet Methodology for Predicting COVID-19 Based on Chest X-Ray Images

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    Currently, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), one of the most infectious diseases in the 21st century, is diagnosed using RT-PCR testing, CT scans and/or Chest X-Ray (CXR) images. CT (Computed Tomography) scanners and RT-PCR testing are not available in most medical centers and hence in many cases CXR images become the most time/cost effective tool for assisting clinicians in making decisions. Deep learning neural networks have a great potential for building COVID-19 triage systems and detecting COVID-19 patients, especially patients with low severity. Unfortunately, current databases do not allow building such systems as they are highly heterogeneous and biased towards severe cases. This article is three-fold: (i) we demystify the high sensitivities achieved by most recent COVID-19 classification models, (ii) under a close collaboration with Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio, Granada, Spain, we built COVIDGR-1.0, a homogeneous and balanced database that includes all levels of severity, from normal with Positive RT-PCR, Mild, Moderate to Severe. COVIDGR-1.0 contains 426 positive and 426 negative PA (PosteroAnterior) CXR views and (iii) we propose COVID Smart Data based Network (COVID-SDNet) methodology for improving the generalization capacity of COVID-classification models. Our approach reaches good and stable results with an accuracy of 97.72%±0.95% , 86.90%±3.20% , 61.80%±5.49% in severe, moderate and mild COVID-19 severity levels. Our approach could help in the early detection of COVID-19. COVIDGR-1.0 along with the severity level labels are available to the scientific community through this link https://dasci.es/es/transferencia/open-data/covidgr/This work was supported by the project DeepSCOP-Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica en Big Data 2018, COVID19_RX-Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica SARS-CoV-2 y COVID-19 2020, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under the project TIN2017-89517-P. S. Tabik was supported by the Ramon y Cajal Programme (RYC-2015-18136). A. Gómez-Ríos was supported by the FPU Programme FPU16/04765. D. Charte was supported by the FPU Programme FPU17/04069. J. Suárez was supported by the FPU Programme FPU18/05989. E.G was supported by the European Research Council (ERC Grant agreement 647038 [BIODESERT])

    Measurement of forward Z → e+e− production s√s=8 TeV

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    A measurement of the cross-section for Z-boson production in the forward region of pp collisions at 8 TeV centre-of-mass energy is presented. The measurement is based on a sample of Z → e+e− decays reconstructed using the LHCb detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.0 fb−1. The acceptance is defined by the requirements 2.0 20 GeV for the pseudorapidities and transverse momenta of the leptons. Their invariant mass is required to lie in the range 60-120 GeV. The cross-section is determined to beS

    Measurement of indirect CP asymmetries in D0 → K−K+ and D0 → π−π+ decays using semileptonic B decays

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    Time-dependent CP asymmetries in the decay rates of the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decays D0 → K−K+ and D0 → π−π+ are measured in pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 collected by the LHCb experiment. The D0 mesons are produced in semileptonic b-hadron decays, where the charge of the accompanying muon is used to determine the initial state as D0 or D¯0. The asymmetries in effective lifetimes between D0 and D¯0 decays, which are sensitive to indirect CP violation, are determined to be AΓ(K−K+)=(−0.134±0.077−0.026−0.034)%,AΓ(π−π+)=(−0.092±0.145−0.025−0.033)%, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. This result is in agreement with previous measurements and with the hypothesis of no indirect CP violation in D0 decays.S